Product Information

Our prints are manufactured in Australia, by Australian run businesses, and are made with high quality materials to ensure they last. Each is professionally framed with gallery style mounting and are custom made to order, just for you. 
Framing is made from genuine high grade Australian hardwood and/or metal, and comes in a range of finishes including (varying):
  • Black
  • White
  • Natural/Oak
  • Teak
  • Silver
Paper prints are printed on 200GSM high quality paper and canvas prints are printed on acid free cotton canvas. Prints cannot be removed from their mounting, as this will damage the frame. 
Frame fronting for paper prints will vary between glass and acrylic, depending on the product and product size. Each are ultra clear to ensure your prints are crisp.

Product Care

We recommend wiping your new baby down with a microfibre cloth, together with cleaning the glass/acrylic with a standard glass cleaner to remove any markings from the packaging prior to mounting. 
Once mounted, give it a dust and clean every so often, when you feel it's needed. 

Most of all, give it some love!